Acne spot problems, one of the most common skin problems in both men and women, cause aesthetic concerns and lead to a person’s dissatisfaction and low self-confidence. However, in practice, due to the heavy make-up applied to cover the spots, the skin is prevented from aging well in the future, and other problems are caused on the skin due to excessive make-up. Thanks to today’s effective medical technologies, skin blemishes can be left behind in a reliable and comfortable way with acne spot treatments performed in clinical settings.

What is a acne spot?

Deformations that have a darker appearance than the skin tone due to the overproduction or irregularity of the melanocyte cells in our skin are called acne spots. Skin spots, which occur due to the overproduction of melanin pigment secreted by melanocyte cells, are often an aesthetic problem rather than a health problem.

What is acne spot treatment?

Acne spot treatment is a protocol of treatments applied in a clinical setting to remove skin spots caused by excessively secreted melanin pigments in the skin. Acne spot treatment includes treatment protocols suitable for all skin types. Personalized acne spot treatment planning is made according to your skin type and the severity of the acne spot.

Which treatments are used in the treatment of acne spot?

Today, acne spot treatment can be done with injection-containing treatment protocols such as PRP, mesotherapy, special serums, as well as with energy-based medical devices such as Fraxel Dual, Thulium Laser, Vivace Gold Needle, Morpheus 8, IPL Lime Light, and even with professional skin care treatments such as Hydrafacial. A bright view can be achieved.

Why is acne spot treatment needed?

As we mentioned above, acne spot treatment is an aesthetic problem rather than a health problem. Acne spots that cause people to dislike themselves when they look in the mirror are considered as factors that prevent them from looking beautiful/handsome for many men and women. For this reason, a better, smoother appearance is desired by applying acne spot treatments.

When is the right time for acne spot treatment?

The best time for acne spot treatments is between October and April. These days, when the sunny days are less than other months of the year, are the ideal times for acne spot treatments. The reason for this is the skin’s need to renew itself after acne spot treatment, no matter which method is preferred. During this renewal period, it is important that the skin is not exposed to the harmful effects of sunlight. For this reason, autumn and winter months are preferred when it comes to acne spot treatments.

Is acne spot treatment a painful treatment?

Acne spot treatments are painless and acheless, regardless of whether they are done with injection methods or with energy-based devices. Acne spot treatments, in which anesthetic creams are applied to the patients before the procedure, are painless and do not interrupt social life. However, in some treatments, slight redness and sensitivity on the skin may be seen in the treated area after the Acne spot treatment, and this redness and sensitivity process goes away by itself in about a few hours.

Who is a suitable candidate for acne spot treatment?

Every woman and man over the age of 18, who has pigmentation disorder on their skin, and who has to fight with spots on their skin due to pregnancy, old age and exposure to sun rays, are suitable candidates for Acne spot treatment.

What you need to know about acne spot treatment

  • Acne spot treatments are very comfortable and reliable treatments performed in a clinical setting.
  • Acne spot treatments include treatment protocols made in sessions. The number of sessions and the time between sessions vary from patient to patient.
  • The appropriate time for acne spot treatments is autumn and winter. Due to the excess of sunny days, acne spot treatment is not done in the summer months.
  • Acne spot treatments can be single treatments or combined with more than one treatment.
  • Acne spot treatments are procedures that do not interrupt social life, and after the procedure, patients can easily return to their social life and continue their daily routines.
  • After acne spot treatments, patients must use sunscreen cream when they go out to the sun.


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